
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that the “The Authentic Italian Table” has been successfully held in Guangzhou on Friday September 18th.


The event was held in the frame of the project “True Italian Taste”, promoted and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy and carried out by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad to enhance and safeguard the authentic Italian food product. The event was opened to experts in the F&B sector, media, influencers, journalists, KOLs, bloggers, nutritionists and Italian food buyers. It is aimed to value the authentic Italian food and wine productions by introducing their quality to the audience; increase the perception of Chinese consumers on authentic Italian products and enhance the visibility of Italian companies in the F&B field in China.


The event was opened by Mr. Raphael Cooper, Board Member of China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, who gave a warm welcome to all the participants.


Following the welcoming speech, Mr. Gianpaolo Bruno, Chief Representative of ITA Italian Trade Agency Beijing and General Coordinator for China and Mongolia, talked about the importance of food safety through the video. Then Ms. Cecilia Costantino, the Director of ITA Italian Trade Agency Guangzhou, brought up the concept of “Italian sounding” in the market, emphasizing the importance of identifying the authenticity of the products’ origin.


Afterwards, Mattia Pinza, CEO of Zhuhai Pinto Food, Samuele Rossi, General Manager&Partner Good Life Italian Restaurant and Nicola Coppi, Chairman&GM of Food Vending China, respectively gave speeches on relevant topics around food safety issues and launched panel discussion.


After the meeting, the public was invited to the Authentic Italian Table Dinner, opened by Ms. Lucia Pasqualini, Consul General of Italy in Guangzhou, who gave a welcoming speech to the audience, and join the Head Bartender of Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou, Mr. Antonio De Luca, to create the typical Italian aperitivo.


The audience was served by a classic Italian menu composed by four courses, performed by Chef Patrick Benedetti, Caffe Mondo Chef de Cuisine of Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou, and Chef Mauro Zanusso, Executive Chef of St. Regis Hotel Shenzhen. The two chefs created dishes in both traditional and modern way, letting the public have a further knowledge of the Italian ingredients and their evolution. The guests not only tasted the dishes, but also how an Italian menu is served. For the Antipasto, Pasta and Dessert, we invited the sommelier to explain the wine pairing to the audience.

观众享用了经典的意大利菜单,总共有四道菜,由广州四季酒店意珍餐厅厨师长毕柏克,深圳瑞吉酒店行政总厨Mauro Zanusso为大家示范做法。 两位厨师分别以传统和现代的方式创作菜肴,让公众对意大利食材及其发展有进一步的了解。 客人不仅品尝了正宗的意式菜肴,还切身体会到了一套完整的意大利餐桌文化。在开胃菜,面食和甜点部分,我们邀请到了侍酒师向观众介绍葡萄酒和菜品的搭配。

By the end of the performances of the Antipasto, Pasta and Dessert, we invited the guests to have fun with some interesting blind tasting, which let the participants have a better knowledge on the Italian food&beverage in a relaxing and diverting way.


We do thanks all the participants from F&B Industry, all the Sponsors, KOLs and Influencers, media and journalists, who attended and supported the event.


We look forward to seeing you soon at other True Italian Taste events.

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